Microsoft Netflix for gaming services launches on iPhone and PC this week. Its called; XCloud gaming.
Microsoft’s Xcloud gaming previously known as Xcloud will begin to roll out in iPhones and PC this week. Initially, this service will be on an invite-only basis. Microsoft is planning to make a web version of Xcloud for iPhones and Windows 10 too. Initially, the web version is coming in a few browsers like chrome and edge.
Basically, this XCloud gaming is just like Netflix for gaming. People firstly subscribed to Microsoft Xbox pass and can access over 100 games. This cloud gaming platform also allows you to stream any game without having to download it. For game streaming, you only need a fast internet connection and xcloud pass. This streaming option is also available In android mobiles. XCloud gaming is like Google’s stadia services.
What are cloud gaming and Xbox game pass?
Cloud gaming means the game runs on cloud servers rather than on your computer or mobile phone. In simple words you don’t need to download the game on your device, the game is processed in cloud servers. The main goal of cloud gaming is to provide a high-end gaming experience at a cheap price.
[novashare_tweet tweet=”Microsoft’s Xcloud gaming previously known as Xcloud will begin to roll out in iPhones and PC this week. Initially, this service will be on an invite-only basis.” cta_text=”Are You Going To Try Out Xcloud?” hide_hashtags=”true”]There are many advantages of cloud gaming like users don’t have to buy high-end PCs and don’t need to buy new games. Users only need to have a good internet connection and a cloud gaming subscription. Many companies like Microsoft, google are interested in cloud gaming. They launch their own platforms for cloud gaming.
Microsoft also launched its cloud gaming platform Xcloud. Xcloud is one of the best cloud streaming platforms because of its strong network and data centers around the world. Xbox game pass costs you 14.99$ for a month. In this price range, you get a variety of games. If you want to stream your favorite games you just need to buy an Xbox pass and enjoy your games.
Gaming Latency is very important in cloud gaming. This is a challenging part for cloud companies because in games milliseconds of delay create a big difference. So, it is very changing for companies to maintain low latency.
How much does cloud gaming cost?
The attractive part of cloud gaming is that at very low prices you can enjoy high-quality games. Just like Netflix where you can enjoy multiple movies, TV series at low pricing. Microsoft’s Netflix for gaming launches on iPhones and PC this week. These cloud gaming services are called Netflix for games. You have to buy a single-month-based subscription and you enjoy an unlimited gaming experience.
Different platforms have different costs, so the cost depends upon the quality and availability of games. For example, Microsoft, Sony has exclusive games so they charge pricing upon that. But the purpose of cloud gaming is to provide a gaming experience at a low cost. For Microsoft, the monthly charge is 14.99$ where google stadia charge 10$ approx.
You need a fast internet connection that would cost extra. You need a game controller like a stadia controller. All and all if you are planning to game streaming through cloud platforms first you need a monthly subscription, internet cost, gaming controller cost.
Gaming consoles vs Cloud gaming
Cloud gaming platforms (such as stadia, Xcloud) are not designed to replace gaming consoles. But these are designed to reach audiences who can’t afford high-end PC and games. Cloud games are run on companies’ servers and you don’t need high-end devices to access these games.
Xcloud is a subscription-based service where you can access over 100 games in its basic membership. Now Microsoft is working on Iphones and windows, so in the near future cloud gaming is also available on iPhones and windows PC. So, this is a very good option. You just need a device, a good internet connection, and a gaming controller. This is an ideal option for game streamers, now they can play a variety of games and entertain their audiences.
Best cloud gaming services
A lot of companies are coming with their cloud streaming platforms like Google, Sony, etc. here are the best gaming services-
Microsoft XCloud
Microsoft’s Xbox is a popular gaming console and now Microsoft also comes into the cloud gaming market with its Xcloud Gaming. Now it is working on mobile phones but now Microsoft starts beta programs for iPhones and windows also. We expect in the near future Microsoft will give excellent value to their customers.
Utomik is the only gaming company active in the sweet spot of both cloud gaming & content services and the B2C & B2B markets! Utomik has an established global game content position (contracts with 178 game studio’s worldwide, offering +1200 games to subscribers). Monthly a nice price of 9.99$.
Utomik offers a seamless gaming experience across any device and location:
- A PC gamer can instantly start gaming through file streaming (progressive download). When he/she wants to go out or change device, he/she continues playing the same game through the cloud on the new device;
- The Utomik platform switches seamlessly between both technologies. The “smart download” technology enables a lower bandwidth need, making gaming possible where ever you are (beneficial for gamers and ISPs & MNOs);
- The Utomik platform offers all available game features such as achievements, authentications & entitlement, cloud saves, discovery features, leaderboards, multiplayer, etc.
Earlier I had a talk with CEO of Utomik, Doki Tops.
Google stadia
Google stadia is the biggest name in cloud gaming services. the best thing about google stadia is that the pro version costs 9.99$ in a month. Now there are 30 titles available on this platform but we expect more games on google stadia. Google stadia is available in PC, Linux, Chromebooks, Chromecast ultra.
Playstation Now
Sony’s PlayStation is very popular in the gaming console market. PlayStation Now has a wide range of games including games of PS2, PS3, PS4. Playstation now is available for Windows PC and with a 9.99$ monthly charge. Currently, there are more than 800 titles on PlayStation now.
Nvidia GeForce Now
Popular graphic card manufacturer Nvidia’s cloud gaming service GeForce Now also allows you to stream your games. Currently, there are fewer titles available in Nvidia. but the best thing is the premium tier is available for just 5$ for a month.
Vortex is another good option in cloud gaming services. You can play plenty of games like witcher3, league of legends, fallout4, etc. you can stream games on any internet-connected device for just 9.99$ per month. The highest plan is 28$ but it is still limited to 140 hours in a month.
Cloud gaming Is the future of gaming
Cloud gaming Is the future of gaming where many companies are now entering this market. Now Microsoft’s Netflix for gaming launches on iPhone and PC this week, Xcloud Gaming. The best thing is you don’t need a high-end device, you just need a stable and fast internet connection, a smartphone, and a gaming controller.
There are many challenges to these companies, like maintaining latency, provide exclusive games, etc. but we expect this is the future of gaming. Microsoft is a bigger player in the gaming market, and now they are launching their cloud gaming services on iPhones and PC.

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