Play To Earn Games

Your Guide to NFT, Crypto and Blockchain Games: News, Reviews, and More!

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Top Blockchain Games: Play-to-Earn, Own Digital Assets!

Top Blockchain Games: Play-to-Earn, Own Digital Assets!

Hey guys! Ready to dive into the world of blockchain games? In this article, we'll explore the top blockchain games that are revolutionizing the gaming world. Discover how blockchain technology enhances traditional video games by offering play-to-earn incentives and true ownership of digital assets. You won't believe how easy it is to get started with some cryptocurrency and a digital wallet. We'll also break down the safety concerns and explain why blockchain games can be a legit and exciting way to earn money. Plus, we'll compare traditional games with blockchain games to show you why the latter offers unique benefits. From decentralized games to NFT games and crypto games, we've got all the details you need. Let's get started!

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Last Week Gaming News: Updates, New Launches, and Hot Tech!

Last Week Gaming News: Updates, New Launches, and Hot Tech!

Hey everyone! This week's gaming news is jam-packed with epic updates and new launches. From The Sandbox on Ethereum, where you can create and monetize your own virtual worlds, to exciting updates in Axie Infinity's Season 9 and new AI-driven tech innovations, there's so much to explore. Plus, don't miss out on the latest from Pudgy Penguins' upcoming mobile party game, Legends of Elysium's Season 1 launch, and Gamefam's $5 million fund for UGC creators. We've got all the details on partnerships like The Sandbox teaming up with Upland and the latest in blockchain gaming from Readyverse Studios and Ember Sword. Whether you're into web3 gaming, blockchain developments, or just love keeping up with the latest gaming trends, we've got you covered. Dive into the full breakdown and stay ahead in the gaming world!

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Legends of Elysium Season 1: Exciting Features and Easy Logins!

Legends of Elysium Season 1: Exciting Features and Easy Logins!

Get ready to dive into the action with the epic launch of Legends of Elysium Season 1! This exciting update brings a wave of new features, including Social Logins for seamless access using your Email, Google, Facebook, or Apple accounts. Say goodbye to complicated crypto wallets with SmartWallets, making blockchain gaming easier than ever. Plus, enjoy smoother gameplay with bug fixes addressing referral links, matchmaking glitches, and game freezing issues. The LOE team is dedicated to fair play, constantly rebalancing cards based on player feedback. Legends of Elysium, a standout in web3 gaming, combines classic card and board game elements with innovative blockchain technology for a unique experience. Plan your strategy, upgrade your NFT cards, and join a growing community of enthusiastic players. With these updates, Legends of Elysium continues to redefine blockchain gaming. Dive in and experience the thrill today!

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RoboHero: Guide to $ROBO tokens, Equipment, Weapons, and Drones!

RoboHero: Guide to $ROBO tokens, Equipment, Weapons, and Drones!

Hey guys, get ready to dominate RoboHero! In this ultimate guide, we're breaking down everything you need to know about equipment, weapons, and drones to crush the Pre-Season event. Equip your robots with AI Units, G Cores, and Energy Units to maximize your power, range, and vitality. Choose the perfect weapon—whether it's a Melee Weapon for close combat, a Sniper Weapon for deadly long-range hits, or a Rifle Weapon for balanced attacks. And don't forget about drones, your secret weapon for scouting terrain, marking enemies, and blocking paths. With these tips and strategies, you'll be ready to win big with over 2 million $ROBO tokens up for grabs. Let's dive into the action and master RoboHero together!

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Gamedia Slams Gala Games: Mismanagement and Legal Drama

Gamedia Slams Gala Games: Mismanagement and Legal Drama

Hey guys, guess what? Dutch game developer Gamedia just dropped a bombshell on the web3 gaming world, calling out Gala Games for major mismanagement and legal disputes. Gamedia claims Gala Games didn't fulfill their marketing commitments and diverted resources, leaving Spider Tanks and its community unsupported. They even announced a token fork and burn in 2023, adding more costs for players. Feeling frustrated, Gamedia decided to stop investing in the game, leading to Gala Games reportedly taking legal actions to seize Gamedia's intellectual property. But hold on, it gets crazier! Other developers and internal teams at Gala Games, like VOX and Mirandus, are facing similar issues. Plus, Gala's president of blockchain bailed, and there was a massive $240 million exploit. The future of Gala Games looks shaky. With these points, you're all set to dive into the detailed breakdown of Gamedia's allegations and the challenges at Gala Games. Let's get into the specifics!

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Faraland’s PvP Tournament: Win $FARA Tokens and NFT Rewards!

Faraland’s PvP Tournament: Win $FARA Tokens and NFT Rewards!

Hey guys, get ready for some epic news! Faraland has launched The Era of Legionnaire, a brand-new PvP tournament. Dive into this blockchain RPG and compete until June 6th at 9 PM UTC for a chance to win $FARA tokens, Soul Stones, and loads of awesome materials. With a complete rank reset, everyone starts fresh at 2000 ELO. Battle bots and other players to climb the ranks and score big in the top 300 leaderboard. Plus, daily leaderboard rewards include Charms, materials, and more for the top 10 players. And don’t forget the guild competition—boost your Guild Strength to win NFT rewards for the top 2 guilds. Join the excitement and may the best players and guilds win big in Faraland’s most thrilling PvP tournament yet!

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Riot Racers - Game Review

Riot Racers - Game Review

Riot Racers is a new NFT game in the racing standards of the Polygon blockchain technology games. It is an idle racing game where players can start a new race by choosing the car and driver they can afford. Then, start the race which happens in the background without any active maneuvering of the cars. Working on the play to earn format, the players can earn RIOT tokens which are the game’s currency. This happens by participating in the races, investing in cars, or simply owning parts of the game as NFT property. So, coming first in the race gives you 50% of the prize pool; coming second wins you 30% and coming third wins you 20% of the prize pool. As the races are happening in the background, races are won or lost on the basis of three criteria, driver (20%), car (29%), and race strategy (51%). So, it means that in order to win races and earn RIOT tokens, players need to upgrade their cars and their racing standard by investing in them. Moreover, there is an additional option of hiring drivers for the races based on their skills. Higher the driving skill, the higher the cost. To participate in a race, players need to buy a car that is NFT on its own accord. Players need to hire a driver that meets that particular race’s minimum criteria of experience and level. Then the players need to fill their car tanks with gas and pay the entry fee to a race competition to participate.

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Metagear - Game Review

Metagear - Game Review

Metagear is a play-to-earn game that combines the excitement of cyber sports with the thrill of car collisions, offering players the chance to earn rewards as they compete in high-energy matches. Developed by Rocket Studio, a subsidiary of Onesoft, in collaboration with Onepad technology, Metagear is the world's first pixel-based blockchain combat game. In Metagear, players can customize their cartoon characters and vehicles with accessories purchased from the in-game marketplace. The game is available on PC, Android, and iOS platforms, so players can enjoy it on their preferred device and take the action with them wherever they go. With its 2D animation and engaging gameplay, Metagear is a fun and immersive game that is sure to keep you entertained for hours. Join the ranks of devoted fans and experience the excitement of Metagear today. Metagear Gameplay: Metagear provides players with three default drivers at the start of the game, with the option to add more drivers with unique appearances and features as they progress. To participate in battles, players will need to purchase vehicle parts such as Chassis, Gadget, Wheels, and Weapons, which can be upgraded and traded on the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace. With immersive gameplay and customizable characters and vehicles, Metagear is a must-play for fans of cyber sports and car collision games. Metagear offers a variety of gameplay options with four battle modes to choose from, including Quickfight (player versus player), Campaign Mode, Tournament, and Guild-building. The game is developed using BSC technology, which ensures the safety and security of the tokenomics. Players can enjoy immersive and exciting gameplay in a variety of modes and have peace of mind knowing that their progress and collectibles are secure. In Metagear, GEAR is the governance coin that can be used to participate in the campaign mode and purchase accessories for vehicles and characters. As players progress through the game and earn rewards, they can use their GEAR to enhance their gameplay experience and customize their characters and vehicles to their liking.

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Astro Space - Game Review

Astro Space - Game Review

"Astro Space" is a highly anticipated new game that is set in a futuristic open world where players can explore space and embark on exciting adventures, quests, and action. This game promises to be a unique and thrilling experience for players. "Astro Space" is built on the Solana blockchain technology and utilizes a play-to-earn model referred to as a "farm-to-steal" model. The main characters of the game are Astro Bots, cute little space robots represented as NFTs. Players can use these NFTs to go on quests to search for resources on distant planets and celestial bodies. The game will also feature various mini-games that allow players to win game tokens and customize their Astro Bots. Astro Space Gameplay: In "Astro Space," players will embark on an adventure through space using their NFT Astro Bots in player vs. environment (PvE) mode. These Astro Bots can also participate in player vs. player (PvP) battles against other Astro Bots to gain control of planets and resources. Players can explore new planets, mine resources, build structures, create buildings, and develop futuristic technology. The game's strategy depends on the players, as the Astro Bots have different statistics that will determine how they are used in battle modes and mini-games. Game Economics: In "Astro Space," Astro Bots can earn Astro Gems (ASG) by participating in PvE and PvP battles. These Astro Gems (ASG) can then be converted into Astro Space Tokens (AST), which can be used to upgrade the Astro Bots, upgrade the level of buildings, and create new NFT Astro Bots. The game also has a governance token called Dream Matter Tokens (DMT), which can be earned by increasing the level and ranking of your Astro Bots. The NFTs can be purchased and sold on the game's marketplace, Eden marketplace, and OpenSea marketplace.

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Frogs Run - Game Review

Frogs Run - Game Review

"Frogs Run" is an innovative free-to-play/play-to-earn NFT runner game designed for the BNB Chain. It seamlessly blends traditional free-to-play endless runner gameplay with lucrative play-to-earn mechanics, offering players an engaging experience set in an Aztec-inspired world with its own rich history and mythology. In this game, players assume the role of a frog runner tasked with collecting coins and defeating enemies. Gameplay Overview: The primary game mode, "Endless Run," features three lanes and familiar gameplay, catering to both casual and advanced gamers. However, "Frogs Run" introduces a dynamic event system that keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting. These events occur randomly and regularly, with one standout feature being the relentless snake pursuer, a real in-game threat, not just a cosmetic element. The game also incorporates a robust NFT component, rewarding players with tokens for reaching specific milestones, such as 1500 meters, with a daily cap of three tokens. A significant highlight is the extensive NFT customization available, allowing players to adorn their frog runners with up to 11 unique items. These items serve not only as a means of personalizing characters but also as a source of earnings. For instance, using an uncommon NFT skin can yield 2,166 tokens per run and 6,498 tokens daily, with similar mechanics applicable to rare skins. Players can also level up to increase their token earnings. To create and breed items, players require Biom(Lands), a resource exclusively available to Biom holders, thereby adding additional value to this game element. "Frogs Run" is accessible as a mobile game, compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, while plans for a PC version are also in development. Players must have a crypto wallet, such as Metamask or Trust Wallet, installed to purchase NFT frog skins. Furthermore, the game features an integrated spending balance on the backend, and a wallet like STEPN is expected to be integrated in the future. About the Developers: The development team behind "Frogs Run" comprises a diverse group of individuals, each possessing an average of 3-5 years of experience in their respective fields. The founder of the project brings six years of cryptocurrency experience and an additional eight years of marketing expertise to the table. The co-founder, with a decade of illustration experience, has worked on projects like "Master of Myths" and the upcoming "Heroes of Alboric." The current team consists of 11 members, including artists, 3D modelers, musicians, programmers, and more. They share a common goal of leveraging their skills and experience to create a unique NFT game with captivating gameplay, memorable visuals, and a robust token economy. Their ambition extends beyond creating a game; they aim to leave a lasting impact on the NFT gaming industry by setting a high standard for innovative and engaging gameplay. "Frogs Run" serves as a testament to how NFT games can be made both interesting and unique, setting a precedent for future projects to follow.

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Galaxy Survivor - Game Review

Galaxy Survivor - Game Review

"Galaxy Survivor" is a cutting-edge 3D metaverse Play2Earn NFT GameFi, set in a futuristic sci-fi universe on the Avalanche blockchain. The game revolves around interstellar civilizations competing for supremacy in The Galactic Metaverse, using advanced technology and Galaxy (GLXY) token NFTs to build space crafts and engage in real-time strategy battles. Players can choose their allegiance among three warring galactic empires, each with unique attributes and technologies. In the game's lore, three powerful empires, Atropos, Lachesis, and Morta, once coexisted peacefully until an event called the Apocalypse devastated their civilizations, leading to intense rivalry. Atropos turned to lethal MUN weapons, Lachesis employed artistic warships armed with LASER technology, and Morta harnessed the enigmatic Quantum Force. Players must lead their chosen faction to victory in this fractured galaxy. The gameplay offers various modes, including Single-Player (Campaign and Bounty Hunter) and Multi-Player (World Boss). Each player begins with a unique Mothership tied to their chosen Empire and can engage in strategic combat and fleet construction. The game's three in-game modes offer a rich gaming experience. The tokenomics of Galaxy Survivor consist of a dual-token system: $GLXY and $SURV. $GLXY serves as the game's official currency and is used in the Marketplace, Limited Box Sale, Special Events, Staking, and Farming. On the other hand, $SURV is a utility token obtainable and usable within the game's ecosystem. Players can earn $SURV through various in-game activities, adding depth to the gameplay. Community response to the project has been highly positive, with participants praising the professionalism of the development team and the project's potential. "Galaxy Survivor" presents a captivating blend of NFT gaming, blockchain technology, and immersive sci-fi storytelling, offering players a unique and engaging gaming experience in the metaverse.

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Dustland Runner - Game Review

Dustland Runner - Game Review

Dustland Runner is a move to earn crypto NFT game where you will explore, survive, and earn real money. After a cataclysmic event, the earth witnessed a solar flare calamity on a global level. The reaming after this cataclysmic event is only a big ball of barren land and deserts. This is an NFT game with $DOSE tokens. The year is 2272, and only a few survivors of that fateful event now remain on earth. The survivors roam from one place to another in search of food, water, resources, and other fellow beings. The future of the world rests in your hands, or it may be the end of human civilization. You must run all over the metaverse terrain by actually running in the real world to advance as a player. Dustland Runner is an audio game of fitness where working out will be required to earn points and complete tasks in the game. Higher levels will help unlock more features and greater rewards in the form of $DOSE tokens. The game is a project of the OliveX metaverse, the creator of games like 22 Pushups, and Dustland Riders. $DOSE is the unified currency of the OliveX metaverse ecosystem. In Dustland Runner, $DOSE tokens are utility tokens that are necessary for the in-game economy and performing various tasks in the game. However, in order to start in the game, the players must first buy Kettlemine NFTs that will allow the players to buy $DOSE tokens. In a changing world, where everyone is moving towards the metaverse, physical and mental health is also necessary and Dustland Runner provides that with the opportunity to earn money and have fun.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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Kingdom Karnage - Game Review

Kingdom Karnage - Game Review

Kingdom Karnage is a card game unlike any other in the NFT/cryptocurrency format with a huge range of cards. These cards let players fight battles for dominance in the Kingdom. Kepithor Studios is behind the creation of the game. Kingdom Karnage is simple in its format but requires dedication, skills, and strategy to progress. In order to participate in the battle, each player would begin with an army of 30 cards with the goal of defeating the enemy card army by reducing their health before they reduce yours. This is achievable by attacking the opposition cards through various attacks, spells, and combinations. Furthermore, players can upgrade cards by adding weapons, defense, and pieces of equipment. The variations in attacks are possible by combining together different cards, or either defending or attacking the opposite arsenal of cards. Kingdom Karnage Game Modes: Weapons and avatars of fighters are more than just in-game assets as they have real-life value as they are integrated with the Enjin coin and can be traded on the Enin Jumpnet blockchain. The game has various gaming modes including campaign mode (in order to advance to the next campaign the previous one needs to be completed); challenge mode (the normal fighting PvP mode); endurance mode (kill as many opponents before you are defeated); PvP mode (ranked 1v1 is the simple mode and balanced 1v1 is the advanced mode); dungeons mode (including normal dungeons, event dungeons, and multi-layered catacombs); and finally, the King of Karnage mode (the current king gives you the option to keep the throne or move to the next level) for battle. As Kingdom Karnage is a P2E card game, the players can earn blue gems or rare red gems by winning a challenge or completing a mission. Moreover, players can also buy new cards or upgrade the old ones, or trade on the Enjin Jumpnet marketplace for real cash. Kingdom Karnage battle game has it all.

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Karmaverse Zombie - Play-and-Earn Metaverse - Game Review

Karmaverse Zombie - Play-and-Earn Metaverse - Game Review

Karmaverse, a GameFi multiverse that's taking the gaming scene by storm. Developed by the brilliant minds behind two of the top ten SLG titles in mobile gaming history, Karmaverse is rewriting the rules of the game, quite literally. Buckle up, as we explore the unique features, gameplay highlights, and the revolutionary use of blockchain within the Karmaverse ecosystem. Karmaverse Multiverse Overview: Imagine a gaming universe where you can seamlessly transition from battling zombies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland to embarking on mythical quests, reliving the Old West adventures, and immersing yourself in the futuristic Cyberpunk realm. That's the magic of Karmaverse—a GameFi multiverse with distinct metaverses, each offering a gaming experience like no other. Self-Contained Universes: Each universe within Karmaverse is a self-contained gaming world, complete with its own graphic style, history, storyline, characters, music, and maps. It's like stepping into a different dimension every time you switch universes, ensuring that monotony is a thing of the past. Venture Capital Backing: Now, let's talk money! Karmaverse has raised a whopping $8 million in a private round led by venture capital heavyweights A&T Capital ($6M), TPS, and YGG SEA. With this kind of financial backing, Karmaverse is gearing up to make a significant impact on the gaming industry. Interconnected Game Worlds Here's the kicker: as each game world is developed within Karmaverse, they become accessible through a single hub. That means you can seamlessly travel between post-apocalyptic scenarios, historical adventures, Cyberpunk landscapes, and more—all within the Karmaverse multiverse. RPG and SLG Games Hold your horses, RPG and SLG fans! Karmaverse promises to deliver the best of both worlds by featuring at least one RPG and one SLG game in each universe. Get ready for a gaming experience that's as diverse as it is thrilling. Karmaverse Zombie: Battle for Survival and Dominance Now, let's shine the spotlight on Karmaverse Zombie, the trailblazing addition to the Karmaverse multiverse. Picture this: a post-apocalyptic world overrun by mutants and zombies, and you—the player—standing as the last line of defense for humanity. Fighter NFTs In Karmaverse Zombie, every player manages a shelter, and the fighters within have their own NFTs. These NFTs aren't just collectibles; they can be sold, traded, and used strategically in the game. It's like having your own squad of digital warriors, each with its unique strengths and abilities. Cooperative Gameplay Teamwork makes the dream work, especially when facing a zombie apocalypse. Karmaverse Zombie encourages collaborative play, with the formation of the strongest Fight Club by cooperating players. Together, you can resist zombie onslaughts and compete or cooperate with other players to dominate the challenging environment. Token and NFT Interoperability Here's where blockchain magic comes into play. Karmaverse Zombie utilizes a token system with planet-exclusive, interchangeable, and universally usable tokens and NFTs. This interoperability adds a layer of complexity and excitement to the gameplay, making every move count. Tokenomics and Marketplace Let's talk about the backbone of the Karmaverse ecosystem—the tokenomics and marketplace that keep the gears turning. Dual Token System Karmaverse operates on a dual token system, with sub-tokens in each game world and $Knot as the main token across the entire ecosystem. This dual token system ensures a smooth and interconnected experience as you navigate through different universes within Karmaverse. Karma Swap DEX Enter the Karma Swap DEX, a socially driven decentralized exchange platform that allows players to swap, earn, stack yields, lend, or borrow tokens and NFTs. It's not just a marketplace; it's a dynamic space where the community actively participates in shaping the gaming economy. Token Use Case Both sub-tokens and $Knot aren't just for show. They can be used and sold for in-game resources and transactions, turning your digital assets into real value. Karmaverse doesn't just promise play-to-earn; it delivers on that promise. Meet the Visionaries Behind Karmaverse Behind every great project are the people who make it happen. Let's take a moment to meet the key team members driving the Karmaverse revolution. Scott Cheung: NFT specialist, with a track record in 3 NFT/GameFi projects. Adam Markiewicz: Entrepreneur and investor with a global perspective, specializing in NFTs. Jesse Slater: Gameworld architect and narrative builder, contributing to Dapps since 2018. Kartik Garg: Explorer, entrepreneur, and crypto investor disrupting global business operations. Greg Young: Lifelong gamer with experience in print, television, and feature films. Notable Partners It's not just about the team; it's also about the company you keep. Karmaverse has attracted strong investors and partners, securing $8M in a private round. The list includes A&T Capital, TPS, YGG SEA, Foresight Ventures, Polygon Studios, Cao Zhen (Partner of Republic), OKX Blockdream Ventures, NFX, Mindfulness Capital, GSR Ventures, HashKey Capital, Fundamental Labs, Y2Z, L2Y, and Altonomy. That's a powerhouse lineup right there! Karmaverse Zombie Storyline But what's a great game without an engaging storyline? Let's delve into the narrative that sets the stage for Karmaverse Zombie. A World in Peril A virus sweeps across the globe, aiming to wipe out humanity. But some survivors manage to weather the storm, taking refuge in shelters with fighters by their side. These fighters aren't just any allies; they are unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with real value, and players have complete control over them. Gameplay: Play-to-Earn Revolutionized Now, let's talk about the heart of Karmaverse Zombie—the gameplay that's changing the game, literally. Emphasis on Play-and-Earn "Karmaverse Zombie" isn't just another game; it's the world's first play-and-earn game that prioritizes the gameplay experience. Assemble your team or horde of fighters to become the strongest mercenary group in the game's metaverse. The more stars on your NFT fighters, the rarer and more valuable they are. Tokenomics in Action In the world of Karmaverse Zombie, it's all about the tokens—SERUM and KNOT tokens, to be precise. The Karmaverse marketplace becomes your playground, where you can trade assets and NFTs with fellow players. But here's the catch: to withdraw in-game tokens, you need an in-game account with at least three NFT fighters, and the withdrawal amount must surpass the withdrawal fee. In Conclusion: Karmaverse Redefining the Gaming Landscape As we wrap up this journey through the Karmaverse multiverse, one thing is abundantly clear—this is not just a game; it's a revolution. With interconnected universes, innovative tokenomics, and a vibrant marketplace, Karmaverse sets a new standard for blockchain gaming. As Karmaverse gains momentum with strong investor backing and a powerhouse team, the gaming landscape is in for a seismic shift. So, fellow gamers, gear up for a thrilling adventure across multiple dimensions, where every move you make and every token you earn brings you one step closer to dominance in the Karmaverse multiverse. Happy gaming!

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Gas Hero: Decentralized Strategic Web3 MMO - Game Review

Gas Hero: Decentralized Strategic Web3 MMO - Game Review

Gas Hero is an upcoming MMO developed by the acclaimed Find Satoshi Lab (FSL) team, known for their successful walk-to-earn game Stepn. This new game offers an action-packed battle experience set in a post-apocalyptic world devastated by artificial intelligence. Gas Hero combines elements of strategy, decentralization, and community interaction. To mark its announcement, FSL has launched a user-driven content contest with a substantial prize pool of $431,400. Central to Gas Hero's design is decentralization, evident through in-game community voting, asset trading using the $GMT token, and a decentralized marketplace. Building on the success of Stepn, FSL brings innovation to Gas Hero, creating a Web3 game where players navigate a desolate world, construct virtual bases, and engage in battles with other players. The game places a strong emphasis on community involvement, aiming to create an immersive and interactive gaming environment. The Gas Hero contest represents a transformation in Web3 gaming, involving players in the creative process prior to the game's launch. FSL's approach seeks to expand the game's audience and foster a sense of community within the Web3 domain. The game's backstory is set in a post-apocalyptic world where AI and quantum computing have led to global devastation. Operation Spark, a network of hidden labs, emerges as humanity's hope for survival through cloning technology. From these labs arise the "Gas Heroes," named after the life-giving gas within the sanctuaries. Players navigate hazardous landscapes and engage in battles as they embark on a journey of rebirth and discovery. Gas Hero's gameplay features an automated combat system requiring players to arrange their battle lineup before entering conflicts. Each hero has a unique codename, equipped weapons, and pets. A vertical action bar triggers attacks or special skills, while a horizontal rage bar boosts recharge speed. Hero skills, primary attributes (Attack, Defense, HP, SP, Speed), and tokenomics play crucial roles in battles and strategy. The game's token, $GMT, is integrated into Gas Hero's development and launch. The game introduces a marketplace and empowers players through decentralized decision-making and voting mechanisms. This innovative approach aims to create an engaging and immersive gaming experience within the Web3 framework.

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The Sandbox - Game Review

The Sandbox - Game Review

The Sandbox is a living, breathing virtual environment filled with user-made creations. Players can develop and create their own NFTs, such as avatars, virtual items, and even games. The Sandbox is a game in which players can make their own worlds and explore them. With thousands of different-sized plots to choose from, players can build games, social places, or anything else their imaginations can come up with. The game is made up of voxels, like Minecraft, and each voxel object can be added from an outside editor. The Sandbox Game Maker is based on Unity and has a scripting language that keeps getting better. This lets builders make something truly special. The owner of a plot has full power over what is built on it. This makes it possible to make a wide variety of games, from RPGs to dance games and more. Through the Game Maker, players can join and play any public game. Some of these games allow players to talk to each other. The Sandbox Review: The Sandbox started out as a mobile game in 2012. In 2018, Animoca Brands bought the rights to the game and started making a blockchain-based web3 version. The first land plots were sold in December 2019, and the public can still buy them in 2020 and 2021. Over 100,000 land NFTs are being sold right now, and many of them come with special NFTs that were made by one of the many partners for the sale. There are no play-to-earn opportunities that last forever right now, but each experience in The Sandbox has the chance to make its own play-to-earn features. The Sandbox does run a constant series of special events with different partners, where players can earn SAND tokens and NFT rewards by finishing quests in different experiences. The way you get rewards will change from plot to plot, and each game will have its own way to play to earn. There is only one token in the Sandbox. It is called SAND and is an ERC-20 utility token that can be used on both Polygon and the Ethereum mainnet. SAND can be bought and sold on many centralized and decentralized exchanges. It has a maximum amount of 3 billion, but only about 1 billion are in circulation at any given time. On the Polygon network, you can get prizes for staking in the Sandbox. Players can start using The Sandbox right away by downloading the Game Maker and VoxEdit from the Sandbox site. The Sandbox also has a game launcher that lets you play games that other people have made. Players will have to go through a KYC/identity verification process and link a wallet in order to get prizes from events. Overall, The Sandbox is a creative and unique game that lets players explore and make their own worlds. The Sandbox is a game that you should check out because you can earn prizes and the game keeps getting better.

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Barbarian Merge: Unleashing Chaos and Conquest in the WEMIX Realm - Game Review

Barbarian Merge: Unleashing Chaos and Conquest in the WEMIX Realm - Game Review

"Barbarian Merge" is a play-to-earn blockchain game developed by Wemade, a well-known company in the gaming industry. The game is based on the WEMIX platform and allows players to earn real rewards through gameplay. In "Barbarian Merge," players merge different elements together to create powerful barbarians, which they can then use to battle other players in order to climb the leaderboards and earn rewards. The game offers a unique blend of strategy and collectible elements, and its association with Wemade gives it a strong foundation in the competitive blockchain gaming market. Barbarian Merge Story Prologue: In Barbarian Merge, players can earn rewards by defeating demons and advancing their character through the game. The game is set in a chaotic world where the gates to hell have been opened, and players must navigate through this dangerous environment as a powerful barbarian. As they defeat demons and acquire new tools, they can increase their strength and progress through the game. The game is powered by the WEMIX platform and has been integrated into the Wemade umbrella, providing it with support in the blockchain market. In "Barbarian Merge," players control a barbarian character as they journey through a fantasy world filled with demons and other monsters. The goal is to defeat these enemies and acquire powerful weapons and equipment to make the barbarian character stronger. The game features charming pixel art graphics and offers a unique playstyle that helps players become fully immersed in the experience. Additionally, the game is hosted on the WEMIX platform and is supported by the Wemade company, which provides a strong foundation for success in the blockchain gaming market.

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Angry Ape Army: Primal NFT Warfare - Game Review

Angry Ape Army: Primal NFT Warfare - Game Review

In "Angry Ape Army" game, players can breed, train, and equip their apes to create the ultimate army. The apes can be used in various game modes such as wars, tournaments, and more. The game also includes a mining feature where players can collect resources and use them to upgrade their apes. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where apes have taken over and are fighting for survival. As players progress through the game, they will uncover the story of how the apes rose to power and their ongoing struggles. With a combination of strategy and luck, players can build the strongest ape army and rise to the top of the leaderboard. According to the developers, the story of Angry Ape Army takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where apes have risen to power and dominate the world. As a player, you will take on the role of a leader of a tribe of apes and must fight to defend your territory against rival tribes. You can breed and train your own unique ape NFTs to use in battle and also collect resources through mining. The game is set to offer a variety of game modes, including PVP and PVE, and will feature a dynamic narrative that evolves over time. It will be interesting to see how the story of the Angry Ape Army plays out and how it will impact gameplay. Angry Ape Army Back Story: The Apes are thought of as very intelligent creatures that have been witnessing what is happening in the world from a distance. They stood there observing in silence as humanity’s greed, hunger, and lust for power were always destructive, never conservative. But the apes act in accordance with their responsibilities as the world's protectors and come to the aid when the situation is so dire that there is no chance of recovery. Early Buyers will have some edge: The OG Ape holders will have full access to the metaverse from early on and the monkey island with more chances of playing, earning, and mining rewards. There will be a total of 3333 OG NFT Apes on offer. Additionally, all owners of OG Apes will receive complimentary mints for upcoming drops. Moreover, having an OG Ape grants you VIP access to a variety of things, including whitelist chances, merchandise, and unique events.

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